Saturday, January 25, 2014

Day 16 Iguazu Falls, Argentina

Our time in the Antarctic came to an end when we arrived back in Ushuaia, Argentina on Jan. 22.  What an amazing adventure it was.  After flying back to Buenos Aires for 1 night, we flew north to Iguazu Falls.  This area of 275 waterfalls divides the Iguazu River, on the border of Brazil and Argentina, into the upper and lower parts. Taller than Niagara Falls and twice as wide it spreads across a two-mile area.  It is quite an amazing site with 3 separate hiking trails on the Argentinian side and 1 trail on the Brazilian side from which you can view the falls at all different levels and angles.  A perfect ending to our vacation. We hope you've enjoyed the blog and traveling with us.

Paula & Rick
Iguazu Falls on the Argentina side

From a platform at the bottom of one of the 275 different
falls is a perfect place to cool off!

Notice the pathway in the background. It is part of nearly 5000 meters
 of walkway and catwalks on the different trails to view the falls.

Best picture we could get of the falls looking toward the Brazilian side

Looking toward the Brazilian side

The Devil's Gorge in the center is the most spectacular waterfall

Devil's Gorge

Devil's Gorge

Sunset view from our hotel balcony

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