Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 12...More Pictures...Penguins

Another set from our first day on Antarctica....Penguins
Our first encounter with Adeli Penguins.  Identified by their shorter beak
and amazing white circle around their eyes.

A good chance to see the different markings on a Gentoo Penguin

The Adeli Penquin Rookery...marked by red "mud" which is
actually penguin POOH! from eating krill.  You can't imagine the smell!

Baby Adeli's  Black/Brown downy feather..some are starting to molt.

Baby Adeli's

Great look at the Gentoo Penguin

Mama Adeli sitting on 2 eggs. Our guide told us unfortunately
it is too late in the season for them to hatch :O(  He said she is probably
a young first time Mama

Baby Adeli's

Baby Gentoo Penguins..2 to 3 wks old. Still sit with their mothers
on their rocky nests.

Mama Gentoo feeding her baby

Most Gentoo's have 2 babies

Young adult practicing nest building.  Will be first time parent next season

Female tries the new nest out for size and rearranges it with her foot!!

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