Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 12 A visitor in our zodiac!

As I stated earlier.  When we were cruising looking at penguins and icebergs, our zodiac was mistaken for a rock by an Adeli penguin who jumped in with us....quite a surprise for everyone, Mr. Adeli included!! Everyone stayed calm and we managed to get our little friend to a nearby iceberg to rejoin his friends.

"Where am I, and what did I just do?!?!"
"Maybe if I sit here, they won't notice me"

"OK...this looks like a good place to see where I am"

"Yep, this is better"

Let's see...that berg....or that one?"
OK that "berg" looks familiar...I think I can make it"

"Thanks for the ride, guys!"


"Whoa, are NOT going to believe this........."

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