Friday, January 17, 2014

Day 12....Icebergs

We thought these icebergs were spectacular. There were so many pictures it was hard to choose just a few.
We are standing on our veranda on the top deck #7 . Gives some perspective on the size of this
tabular iceberg

The captain took the ship around this group of tabular icebergs that seem to have grouped together.

Icicles hanging from the tabular iceberg

These icicles give this "berg" a spooky look
Tabular "bergs" intersecting
Can't begin to say how awesome it was to see 4 of these guys all together.

Even the penguin is impressed with this one.

This would make a cute card!
Just a really cool shape!

Pretty cool example of erosion and color

The bluer the color, the older the ice.

This is a dimpled berg and would have made a great ice sculpture.  You can see our zodiac in front.

Good example of how fissure forms in the ice.
Eventually this piece will give way.
This big boy was sitting on the beach!