Sunday, January 19, 2014

Day 13 Deception Island

This day was more of a geological adventure.  Deception Island was formed by a volcano whose core collapsed and the crater filled with sea water.  There are still periodic eruptions creating new craters, which we were able to see.  Whalers Bay was the first stop after entering through Neptune's Bellows.  On the beach are the remains of a research center and whaling station that was damaged during the eruptions of 1969-70.  The beach is covered with remnants of the buildings, barrels, equipment, whale bones and other debris from the whaling station.

Telefon Bay was the second stop at Deception Island.  Here we hiked to crater that was created during the eruptions of 1969-70.  A totally different topography than we have seen at other landings.

The access to using zodiacs has been so beneficial to our getting up close and personal with all the amazing sights we've seen.  Of the approx. 30,000 tourists who visit Antarctica, only 2/3 of them actually get to set foot on land masses.  Bigger cruise ships only do "drive by's".  We have been so fortunate to have selected Silver Seas Explorer as a nice combination of wonderful accommodations, staff and guides that have enhanced our adventure tremendously.
Really cute little "caps" don the head of the Chin Strap Penguin

They love to pose for you

They want to make sure you get their best side

Just love these little guys and they are so curious, they come right up to your feet.

View across the beach at Whalers can see how lava wiped out the station

View from the crater at Telefon Bay

Small creek caused by melting snow runs through the crater

Fellow hikers at the rim of the crater

Looking over the rim of the crater

Overview of the crater and ash. also heartier hikers than us continued on around the crater and up the for a wider view! 

Enjoy the pics...especially the Chin Straps.

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