Sunday, January 19, 2014

Day 14 Party and Peterman Island

Once we returned from the magical ride through the Iceberg Graveyard, we were greeted by the staff with hot chocolate and cookies, and the Penguin greeter at the ship. Then we were treated to a festive sailing party at the outside grill as we made our way to Peterman Island. The island is about the same location in the southern hemisphere as Fairbanks, Alaska in the northern part.  It has been interesting to see how penguins nest in different areas.  Peterman Island is mostly volcanic rock and covered with snow, but it afforded us a great up close and personal visit in a Gentoo Penguin nesting area.
Party on the grill deck.  The penguin is the beautician, then the Hotel Director
and the the Chef!

The greeting committee.


Party on!

Our new buddies, Jim & Kathy

On our way to Peterman Island

King Kong!!

Landing at Peterman Island
Greeter Gentoo..right at the landing spot

Gentoo Mama with egg and 1 chick

Notice the one chick laying on his back...feet forward.  Sibling in the back.

Mama's & chicks

Looking across the granite rocks toward the ship.
The red building is used as a shelter for researchers.

Adeli sled!

Just past the rocks were snow fields and glaciers. It was
deeper in some areas than others.


This little Gendoo walked right up to us after the "nest shift change"

Off he goes.  His turn to eat.

A large Male Brown Skua flirting with the chicks!

A beautiful picture looking out at the ship. The cross was erected as a memorial for 3 British Antarctic Survey members
who lost their lives on the sea ice nearby in 1982.  

Feeding time for this new little chick

Awww. A full belly.

Interesting after the nest shift change this little guy was thirsty and spent
about 10 minutes eating snow.

Good view of his beak

Look at these babies.  These where born a couple weeks ago.

"Hey Mom, I'm hungry"

Dinner is served.  The chick has to reach all the way into the parent''s mouth to feed.


Sibling finally wakes up

Little Family

Proud Mama!

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