Sunday, January 19, 2014

Day 14 Zodiac cruise through Pleneau referred to Iceberg Graveyard

  Pleneau is called an Iceberg Graveyard because it is a bay where icebergs float in and have difficulty floating their way out again.  It honestly was so amazing, it did not look real.  We kept referring to it as a Hollywood set lot. Again pictures do not do justice to how spectacular this zodiac cruise proved to be.  One iceberg fact we learned is that the part of the iceberg you see is only about 1/8th of the actual berg, the rest being underwater.  Also the different textures and faces can be shaped by the wind, the ice, air bubbles or by a part breaking off and the iceberg capsizes, or turns on it's side.  So what you see today, could be completely different tomorrow! A perfect example of how great access to zodiacs enhances the view....

Enjoy this trip through an icy wonderland.
Rick & Paula
Breakfast on the veranda before the zodiac cruise...what a view!

Nike Swoosh!

Fringed with icicles

Around the corner looks like the entrance to an Ice Bar

Looks like a ship

It even has the crane to lower the zodiacs!!

Who left the lights on?!

Serrated ice formed by air bubbles escaping in a straight line.  Scientist have bored into ice and measured
the amount of oxygen and CO2 to determine the age of the ice and air quality at that time

Perspective on size

Great color

Looks like a Chihully Art Glass

What an idea for an Ice Sculpture

A really large leopard seal lounging on the rocks.

Check out the size of that head!

Ship staff once again greeted us with cookies and hot chocolate

We are greeted at the gate upon our return

And you think we are crazy??????

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