Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 8 Prion Island & Salisbury Plain, South Georgia

OMG!!  There are no words, nor pictures that can do justice to the sights we saw today.  We arrived about an hour late to our first stop, Prion Island due to the crazy wind and rough seas we encountered the last two days.  But the wait was worth it.  On Prion we climbed 108 steps that have been constructed to the top of the breeding area for Antarctic Fur Seals and Wandering Albatross.  It was amazing to see how high the seals have their nesting areas.  The albatross we expected to be at that altitude but had no idea that seals hide themselves away in grassy areas that high up from the ocean.  We also observed King Penguins, and Gentoo Penguins coexisting among Fur Seals and a few Elephant Seals.  It was absolutely amazing.
Only 50 tourists are allowed at one time on the island, so it took several zodiac loads to get everyone on and off the island in an organized way.  We have to say that the organization by the expedition team has been terrific. Moving this many people of all ages and physical abilities is an enormous feat and these folks have been great.

For the afternoon excursion the ship relocated a short distance to Salisbury Plain, which is the 2nd most populated rookery for King Penguins...over 500,000 divided into several colonies.  One colony has over 250,000 of adult and fuzzy down brown babies.  The babies are now almost as large as the parents and beginning to molt, but they still looked like they were wearing lovely brown fur jackets.  Again, coexisting with fur seals, the island was wall to wall wildlife.  One of funniest sights was a lone Macaroni penguin on the beach, who never moved a muscle as though trying to blend in and not admit that must have taken a wrong turn somewhere.
View of glacier from our ship as we approach Salisbury Plain

Hope you enjoy the was soooo hard to pick which ones to post, as none give you the true amazing sights we saw.  Temperatures are getting cooler.  In the upper 30's today, but sunny, so it felt warmer.

The weather was perfect today, but it changing tomorrow, thus cancelling the planned stop.  I don't know if we will have anything newsworthy or not.  Enjoy the pics!  Until later, Rick & Paula

PS.  Sorry I didn't get this posted last night...stayed up until 1:30am, but ran out of steam.
Just arrived at Salisbury Plain
What a place!!  Salisbury Plain
Colony of over 250,000 adult and baby King Penguins.  One of several colonies on Salisbury Plain
The colony continues up the hillside - Salisbury Plain

Baby Antarctic Fur Seal fresh from a swim - Salisbury Plain.
They would come right up to us, but usually Mom would gather them back

March of the Penguins!  Group of Kings posing as a welcoming committee on Salisbury Plain

The lone Macaroni Penguin "if I just sit here, no one will realize I took a wrong turn!"- Salisbury Plain
Mom & Baby Antarctic Fur Seal - Prion Island
Adult Fur seal - Prion Island
King Penguin posing for us - Prion Island

Gentoo Penguin...more personality than the Kings. - Prion Island

Walkway built to allow us to walk safely through the seal and albatross nesting areas - Prion Island

Another King in his military pose - Prion Island

King Bookends....also a good look at front and back.  Can you see the way they tilt their feet up when they sit?
Salisbury Plain Wine Bottle Cover!!!!!

Rick with beautiful view of glacier and ship in the background, Gentoo penguin on right and seals everywhere!
Prion Island
Nesting Wandering Albatross.  She was sitting on her eggs.  She is much larger than the Black brow Albatross
Prion Island