Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day 1   We arrived in Buenos Aires after a 10 hr. flight from Dallas at 9:30am this morning.  There is a +3 hour time difference from Nashville.  Once we got through customs & immigration we were able to find a taxi pretty easily for a 30 min. "high speed" ride to the Four Season's Hotel.  NYC taxi drivers are little old ladies compared to these guys!

We were in luck that they had a room that was ready within 15min. so we were able to take a short nap before taking a site-seeing walk around our area.  Our hotel is located in Recoleta which has all the upscale shopping, art museums, etc.  Unfortunately, being New Years Day, all were closed for the holiday  :o(

The concierge had told us that we could see the Recoleta Cemetery which is always open.  The cemetery dates back to 1822.  Its main attraction lies in the number of historical and artistic celebrities whose remains rest behind its gates, as well as in the artistic quality of its monuments and graves.  The most familiar to us was the famous Maria Eva Duarte de Peron best known as Evita.  We have added some pictures so you can see how remarkable a place this is.  Having visited New Orleans' cemeteries, we found similarities, however Recoleta Cemetery covers 8 square blocks!

Bye for now!  Rick & Paula

Huge Ombu Tree. Planted as part of orchards by Recoleta monks several hundred years ago.

An idea of the size of the Ombu trees!

                                                                                                                                                                                 The main entry walkway to the Recoleta Cemetery built on the former Ombu orchard property

An example of the many corridors in the cemetery

The Duarte Family Crypt containing the remains of Eva Peron "Evita".

Eva Peron

An amazing example of how ornate some final resting places are.

This one was the most grand.

You can see 2 coffins through the glass door!

Final resting place of a Revolution General.


  1. WOW! This pictures are incredible. I notice you are wearing shorts. That won't last for long!! :o)

  2. Very cool! Glad you're having a good time:)

  3. You know, if you wanted arctic weather you could have just come up to visit us this week!! Love the pics!

  4. Yesterday was very hot and was cooler, but rainy this morning, Now it is partly sunny and pleasant. Tomorrow when we fly to Ushuaia to board the ship......COLD!!!!
