Saturday, January 4, 2014

Days 2 & 3 Tigre Tour and Tango Rojo + Arriving in Ushuaia, Argentina and boarding the Silver Seas Explorer

Day 2 was spent just outside of Buenos Aires in the delta area, Tigre.  Even though it was raining we took a fun boat ride through this unusual area where the only form of transportation is a boat.  Most houses are owned as vacation homes, or by retired people, but a few families live there and the govt. supplies a "school bus" boat to pick the kids up and bring them back home at the end of the school day.  We saw grocery delivery boats, water taxis and even pizza delivery boats!

The evening was fun.  We attended Tango Rojo, a Tango Dinner Club.  It was amazing seeing the history of the Tango and how it evolved into the dance it is today.

 Rojo Tango Club

Former Casino, now an Art Museum in Tigre

Example of vacation home in Tigre

Another smaller vacation house in Tigre

"Neighborhood Chapel"

Grocery delivery boat
"Tigre Quick Stop"
Day 3 started early, 5:00AM, to ride the shuttle bus to the airport for our charter flight to Ushuaia where we boarded the Silver Seas Explorer.  There are only 127 passengers, so I'm sure we will have new friends by the day we disembark.  We've already met one couple who had a home in the same subdivision we lived in when we were in the Las Vegas area and a couple we met on our plane from Dallas, who stayed at our hotel and who sat next to us at dinner the first night, knows my college roommate...small world!!!

Boarded and unpacked!
Tomorrow we will have a sea day on our way to the Falkland Islands where we will spend 2 days, so I will wait to post something after that.

Ushuaia as seen from our cruise ship


  1. Carter wanted to know if you could use a jet ski to get around that town?! He also thought the grocery store boat was very strange!

  2. Yes, the tour guide said they have jet skis that some people use....and we thought the grocery delivery was great if you are organized to know what you want each time!
